Compliance System | Our Initiatives for Society/Environment | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
ew of the globalization of business activities, we shall comply with the legislative and regulatory requirements of every country and region while respecting all international codes of conduct, includ...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/csr03.html -
NewMytear CL Vitaclear Cool | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
e-Counter Ophthalmic Medicines【What are “Standards for Marketing Approval…”?】The Standards refer to requirements for pharmaceutical products set by the MHLW in order to streamline its new drug approva...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/mytearvc.html -
Production | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
ng the latest and best equipment in the environment with rich humanity. As ophthalmic solutions are required to meet the same quality standards as injections, pharmaceutical technique standards and qu...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/production.html -
Medical devices and healthcare | Business Activities | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
We will contribute to medical care and your health requirements in the new era through medical devices. Today, in the era of the 100-year-life, digital transformation is being promoted in various fiel...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/business/device.html -
Quality Policies | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
s for "realization of products" that meet the needs of patients and customers, as well as requirements by regulatory agencies. Quality Policies We always pay close attention to the quality o...