001) 23.7±6.87 (<0.0001) 平均値±標準偏差 a)Dunnettの多重比較― 15 ― また、 プラセボの平均眼圧変化量である2mmHg以上の眼圧下降を示した被験者の割 合及びOutflow pressure下降率が20%以上の被験者の割合を追加解析として算出 した結果、0.03%及び0.1%ビマトプロスト点眼液では8日後、15日後ともにいず れの割合も100%であったのに...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/2020-09/RM_IF.pdf -
OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
y ultraviolet rays etc. (snow blindness etc.) Prevention of eye troubles(after swimming, or to wash out sweat or dust etc.) Blepharitis(running eye) Eye-lotions for contact lenses・Agent for contact le...
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NewMytear CL-s | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
lenses become clouded. If there is no improvement in your symptoms after using this medicine for about 2 weeks. **Registered salesperson: person who has the license to sell OTC medicines except Categ...
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NewMytear CL Cool Hi-s | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
lenses become clouded. If there is no improvement in your symptoms after using this medicine for about 2 weeks. **Registered salesperson: person who has the license to sell OTC medicines except Categ...
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NewMytear CL Cool-s | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
lenses become clouded. If there is no improvement in your symptoms after using this medicine for about 2 weeks. **Registered salesperson: person who has the license to sell OTC medicines except Categ...