もあります。 ポジティブな気持ちで過ごすために、健やかな瞳を保ってもらいたい、そのように考えながら、アイテクトシリーズを通じてこれからも商品や目の炎症にまつわる情報をお届けしてまいります。 WHAT CAUSES EYE INFLAMMATION? 目の炎症とは? 悲しくもないのに、勝手に涙があふれてくる。 目が疲れたり、乾いてくると、コロコロ・チクチクしてくる。 目の中に涙がすぐに溜まってしまい...
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Mytear PINT CARE EX Mild | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
h a focus adjustment-improving effect. Effective for eyestrain and blurred vision (eye mucus) which causes difficulty focusing your eyes or blurs the objects you see. With the tissue-repair effect of ...
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Mytear PINT CARE EX Mild | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
h a focus adjustment-improving effect. Effective for eyestrain and blurred vision (eye mucus) which causes difficulty focusing your eyes or blurs the objects you see. With the tissue-repair effect of ...
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Mytear PINT CARE EX | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
h a focus adjustment-improving effect. Effective for eyestrain and blurred vision (eye mucus) which causes difficulty focusing your eyes or blurs the objects you see. With the tissue-repair effect of ...
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Compliance System | Our Initiatives for Society/Environment | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
take ownership and address the problem as their own responsibility, endeavoring to investigate the cause and prevent recurrence. Furthermore, they shall make speedy and accurate information disclosur...