Compliance System | Our Initiatives for Society/Environment | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
welfare when the use of laboratory animals is necessary. In addition, SENJU shall submit marketing application for pharmaceuticals by handling data appropriately in accordance with the relevant legis...
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Meetings of the Minds | Research & Development | SENJU Pharmaceutica
f corneal phospholipidosis between juvenile and young-adult rabbits treated with the topical ocular application of chloroquine and amiodarone 山際 慶典1,2、武井 由弘3、小泉 治子3、佐藤 洋2、根本 真吾1、倉田 昌明1 1 千寿製薬株式会社 2 株式...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/rd/society/ -
Meetings of the Minds | Research & Development | SENJU Pharmaceutica
f corneal phospholipidosis between juvenile and young-adult rabbits treated with the topical ocular application of chloroquine and amiodarone 山際 慶典1,2、武井 由弘3、小泉 治子3、佐藤 洋2、根本 真吾1、倉田 昌明1 1 千寿製薬株式会社 2 株式...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/rd/society/ -
学会发表 | 研究与开发 | 千寿制药株式会社
f corneal phospholipidosis between juvenile and young-adult rabbits treated with the topical ocular application of chloroquine and amiodarone 山際 慶典1,2、武井 由弘3、小泉 治子3、佐藤 洋2、根本 真吾1、倉田 昌明1 1 千寿製薬株式会社 2 株式...
http://www.senju.co.jp/chinese/rd/society/ -
学会発表実績 | 研究開発活動 | 千寿製薬株式会社
f corneal phospholipidosis between juvenile and young-adult rabbits treated with the topical ocular application of chloroquine and amiodarone 山際 慶典1,2、武井 由弘3、小泉 治子3、佐藤 洋2、根本 真吾1、倉田 昌明1 1 千寿製薬株式会社 2 株式...