「If I were you」に基づく研究開発 点眼剤の製剤開発と創意工夫 | SENJU SENSE | 千寿製薬について | 千寿製薬株式会社
眼しやすくするといった「製剤開発でできること」によって、患者さんのQOL**向上に少しでも貢献することが私たちの使命です。 * Kashiwagi K., Furuya T. Persistence with topical glaucoma therapy among newly diagnosed Japanese patients. Japanese Journal of Ophthalmo...
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お知らせ | 千寿製薬株式会社
iscovered by Mochida and licensed to Senju(PDF) 2023年02月27日 Announcement of collaboration agreement with Alchemedicine, Inc.(PDF) 2022年12月02日 Launch of Distribution of “MIEr-Blue” and “MIEr-Red”(PDF) ...
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Meetings of the Minds | Research & Development | SENJU Pharmaceutica
pathological features of corneal phospholipidosis between juvenile and young-adult rabbits treated with the topical ocular application of chloroquine and amiodarone 山際 慶典1,2、武井 由弘3、小泉 治子3、佐藤 洋2、根本 真吾...
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Overseas Activities | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Eye health and pharmaceutical development have no borders. We engage in international activities with a view to the future of pharmaceuticals, transcending national and corporate boundaries. As we ent...
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製品開発方針 | 研究開発活動 | 千寿製薬株式会社
s T, et al. RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis of corneal endothelial cells derived from patients with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):8647. #6: Krachmer JH, Purcell JJ Jr,...