新闻 2025年01月17日 Senju has Applied for Manufacturing and Marketing Approval in Japan for the novel Dry Eye Disease treatment, SJP-0132(PDF) 2024年11月26日 Launch and Distribution of “MIEr for ImageFS”(PDF)
http://www.senju.co.jp/chinese/ -
Management Policy | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
“Being a good company” is our management policy. As a company that aims to be reliable, necessary and valuable for society, we are committed to pursuing happiness for all people associated with Senju
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/philosophy.html -
Overseas Activities | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Eye health and pharmaceutical development have no borders. We engage in international activities with a view to the future of pharmaceuticals, transcending national and corporate boundaries. As we ent
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/global/ -
Medical devices and healthcare | Business Activities | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
We will contribute to medical care and your health requirements in the new era through medical devices. Today, in the era of the 100-year-life, digital transformation is being promoted in various fiel
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/business/device.html -
症をともなう花粉などによる目のアレルギー症状 〈かゆみ・異物感 (コロコロする感じ) ・充血など〉 に効果を発揮します。 ●クール感 (清涼感) のある目薬です。 ※クロモグリク酸ナトリウム[スイッチOTC成分]、クロルフェニラミンマレイン酸塩、プラノプロ フェン[スイッチOTC成分] 花粉などによる目のアレルギー症状は、炎症も引き起こします。 そして、炎症は、目のかゆみだけではなく、異物感・充血...