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ent of Dry Eye Disease. The Clinical Trials use a novel compound discovered by Mochida and licensed to Senju(PDF) 2023年02月27日 Announcement of collaboration agreement with Alchemedicine, Inc.(PDF) 查看更多
http://www.senju.co.jp/chinese/news/ -
涙の分泌量の減少 そこに、紫外線、コンタクトレンズ、ハウスダスト、強い風などの 外的刺激を受けると目の炎症が発生します。 HOW DOES REDUCED TEAR PRODUCTION LEAD TO EYE INFLAMMATION? 涙の不足がどうやって目の炎症につながるの? 涙の不足をきっかけに、実は目ではこのようなことが発生し、炎症による不快症状へとつながっているのです。 涙が減少し、...
https://www.senju.co.jp/consumer/eyetect/ -
on general image filing system by installing Logic and Design’s image sharpening algorithm. We aim to promote “more visibility” by providing products and services equipped with image sharpening and h...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2024-11/ENG_20241126_0.pdf -
image sharpening device that sharpens captured still images in real time and displays them on a monitor by connecting it with the slit lamp microscope, using an image sharpening algorithm developed by...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2023-09/ENG_20230907_0.pdf -
here the marketing authorization holder is Rexxam Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Rexxam”). RET-700 is an auto ref-topographer equipped with Auto Refract Keratometer, Topographer, Wavefront, Dry eye analysis ...