Mytear ALPITATTO NEXα | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
teary eye, foreign body sensation (gritty sensation) DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS Apply 1 to 2 drops at a time, 4 times a day. < Precautions regarding dosage and directions > Children are permitted to...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/nex.html -
千葉県佐倉市・東邦大学医療センター佐倉病院‥ 森 山 芹 香 41 野球カード 山形市・山形眼科歯科‥‥‥‥‥‥‥院長 横 山 大 輔 東京都八王子市・菊池眼科医院‥‥‥院長 菊 池 信 介 OFF TIME スキー ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥教授 須 藤 史 子 東京都足立区・東京女子医科大学附属 足立医療センター ‥‥‥‥‥‥特任教授 太 田 俊 彦 静岡県伊豆の国市・順天堂大学 医学部附属静岡病院 ...
https://www.senju.co.jp/medical/magazin/pdf/ginkai/263.pdf -
NewMytear A | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
ng by hard contact lenses, blurred vision (eye mucus) DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS Apply 2 to 3 drops at a time, 5 to 6 times a day. < Precautions regarding dosage and directions > Children are permitt...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/myteara.html -
NewMytear CL-s | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
on of dry-eyes, eyestrain, blurred vision (eye mucus) DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS Apply 2 to 3 drops at a time, 5 to 6 times a day. < Precautions regarding dosage and directions > Children are permitt...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/cl-s.html -
Mytear EYETECT | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
eye, and blurred vision caused by increased eye mucus DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS Apply 1 to 2 drops at a time, 4 times a day. < Precautions regarding dosage and directions > Children are permitted to...