overed by Mochida and licensed to Senju Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; President: Mr. Shuhei Yoshida; hereinafter: Senju) and Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Head office...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2023-03/ENG_20230322_0.pdf -
vel Dry Eye Disease treatment, SJP-0132 Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; President: Mr. Shuhei Yoshida; hereinafter: Senju) is developing a compound (development code: SJP-0...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2024-07/ENG_20240716.pdf -
vel Dry Eye Disease treatment, SJP-0132 Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; President: Mr. Shuhei Yoshida; hereinafter: Senju) is developing a compound (development code: SJP-0...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2024-07/ENG_20240716_0.pdf -
overed by Mochida and licensed to Senju Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; President: Mr. Shuhei Yoshida; hereinafter: Senju) and Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Head office...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2023-03/ENG_20230322.pdf -
Milestones in Our History | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
uct for Neutropenia, "PANILTIN", sales launched 1949 February Reishin Tanimura became the President. September Company head office relocated to Higashi-ku, Osaka. Manufacturing plant relocat...