OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Inquiries are not accepted in a language other than Japanese in principle. Please kindly understand the situation that the inquiries by telephone must use Japanese only. Translated from the Japanese p
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OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Inquiries are not accepted in a language other than Japanese in principle. Please kindly understand the situation that the inquiries by telephone must use Japanese only. Translated from the Japanese p
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/otc.html -
NewMytear EASY-S | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
New Mytear® EASY-S Enzyme cleaning and preserving agent for oxygen permeable hard contact lenses and hard contact lenses If you fail to use this product appropriately according to the DIRECTIONS FOR U
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/easy_s.html -
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貯 法:2 ∼ 8 ℃に保存 有効期間:3 年 注) 注意─医師等の処方箋により使用すること 2. 禁忌 (次の患者には投与しないこと) 本剤の成分に対し過敏症の既往歴のある患者 ─ 1 ─ 3. 組成・性状 3. 1 組成 3. 2 製剤の性状 4. 効能又は効果 〈適応菌種〉 アジスロマイシンに感性のブドウ球菌属、レンサ球 菌属、肺炎球菌、コリネバクテリウム属、インフル エンザ菌、アクネ菌