OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
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Production | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Trusted pharmaceutical products are created using the latest and best equipment in the environment with rich humanity. As ophthalmic solutions are required to meet the same quality standards as inject
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OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Inquiries are not accepted in a language other than Japanese in principle. Please kindly understand the situation that the inquiries by telephone must use Japanese only. Translated from the Japanese p
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-1- 患者向医薬品ガイド 2024年7月作成 アイファガン点眼液0.1% 【この薬は?】 販売名:アイファガン点眼液0.1% (AIPHAGAN OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION) 一般名:ブリモニジン酒石酸塩(BRIMONIDINE TARTRATE) 含有量(1mL中):ブリモニジン酒石酸塩 1mg 患者向医薬品ガイドについて 患者向医薬品ガイドは、患者の皆様や家族の方などに、医療用医
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/medical_product_guide/2024-07/APG_202407_01_Mguide.pdf -
-1- 患者向医薬品ガイド 2024年9月更新 ラタチモ配合点眼液「センジュ」 【この薬は?】 販売名:ラタチモ配合点眼液「センジュ」 (LATACHIMO COMBINATION OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION「SENJU」) 一般名:ラタノプロスト (Latanoprost) チモロールマレイン酸塩 (Timolol Maleate) 含有量(1mL中):ラタノプロスト 50μg チモ