Compliance System | Our Initiatives for Society/Environment | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
ensure appropriate communication with all our stakeholders and disclose corporate information in a timely, appropriate and equitable manner. We shall recognize that environmental issues are of shared...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/csr03.html -
Over-The-Counter Medicines | Business Activities | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
uct and one of the most respected brands in the OTC field. We have also devoted our energies to the timely development of contact lens products to meet the rising demand in this area. These as well as...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/business/otc.html -
ge and administration Age Dosage Daily dose Adults (15 years of age and over) 1 drop No more than 4 times daily Instill eye drops at least 4 hours apart. Active ingredient Brimonidine tartrate …0.1 mg...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2024-08/ENG_20240903.pdf -
CEO Message | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
in the environment of our society and medical care occur with increasing speed. In these difficult times, we stand steadfastly by our values and continue to be a company that acts on them as we look ...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/message.html -
‥‥‥院長 馬 場 敏 生 前橋市・丸山眼科医院‥‥‥‥‥‥‥院長 丸 山 明 信 伊勢崎市・新田眼科‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥院長 新田安紀芳 16 眼科医会風土記 ─群馬県眼科医会 46 写真撮影 OFF TIME 余暇は家族と海外で 診療情報部長 私のひとり旅 ぶらりWATCHING 2