symptoms of Dry Eye Disease. Maximizing its foresight and originality, Mochida will be involved in research, and thus continue to contribute to improving the quality of life of patients. ※“Dry Eye Di...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2023-03/ENG_20230322.pdf -
s dedicated to leveraging its foresight and innovation to further its involvement in drug discovery research, and thereby continue its contributions toward improving the quality of life for patients. ...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2024-07/ENG_20240716_0.pdf -
学会发表 | 研究与开发 | 千寿制药株式会社
PSTJ製剤技術伝承講習会後編「非経口製剤の製剤設計と製造法」 開催日:2023年3月3日 開催地:大阪大谷大学ハルカスキャンパス 点眼剤の製剤設計とそのポイント 山口 正純 第15回 Retina Research Meeting 開催日:2022年11月26日 開催地:東京都 JPタワー ホール&カンファレンス(現地+Webハイブリッド開催) 低酸素/再酸素条件下におけるNRO-1の網膜神経節...
http://www.senju.co.jp/chinese/rd/society/ -
unced that we have entered into a collaboration agreement with Alchemedicine, Inc. to conduct joint research. Under this agreement, Alchemedicine will discover and optimize drug candidate for one targ...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2023-02/ENG_20230227.pdf -
symptoms of Dry Eye Disease. Maximizing its foresight and originality, Mochida will be involved in research, and thus continue to contribute to improving the quality of life of patients. ※“Dry Eye Di...