「in vitroinvivoin vitroinvivo」の検索結果
Management Policy | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
“Being a good company” is our management policy. As a company that aims to be reliable, necessary and valuable for society, we are committed to pursuing happiness for all people associated with Senju ...
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/philosophy.html -
Management Policy | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
“Being a good company” is our management policy. As a company that aims to be reliable, necessary and valuable for society, we are committed to pursuing happiness for all people associated with Senju ...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/about/philosophy.html -
] −1.82 [−2.33,−1.31] −2.78 [−3.13,−2.43] 配合剤群との差 [95%信頼区間] −0.68 [−1.30,−0.06] 0.28 [−0.22,0.78] 2 in vitro in vitro in vitro in vitro─ 4 ─ C7 19. 有効成分に関する理化学的知見 19. 1 ドルゾラミド塩酸塩 一般名:ドルゾラミド塩酸塩 (Dorzo...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/product_other_file/2024-03/dormolol_202302_C7.pdf -
った6) (外国人データ) 。 16. 6 特定の背景を有する患者 〈ルセンティス〉 16. 6. 1 腎機能障害患者 腎機能低下を伴う患者 [200例中136例、軽度 (CrCL50∼80mL/ min) :93例、中等度 (CrCL30∼50mL/min) :40例、重度 (CrCL <30mL/min) :3 例] を含む対象集団での母集団薬物動態解析 の結果から、腎機能が中等度低下し...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/product_other_file/2024-08/ranibizumab-bs_202408_C5.pdf -
CEO Message | About Senju | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Since Senju was established in 1947, we have been making efforts for more than 70 years to develop excellent medicines and services focusing on the ophthalmology field through our unique ideas and R&a...