NewMytear CL Cool Hi-s | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
ottle or inside the cap. In such a case, wipe lightly with clean gauze before use. PACKAGE 15mL OTC Products, etc.
https://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/clcoolhi-s.html -
OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
hat the inquiries by telephone must use Japanese only. Translated from the Japanese package insert. Products Sort by Efficacy Sort by Efficacy Eyestrain Prevention of dry-eyes Redness of the conjuncti...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/otc.html -
OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
hat the inquiries by telephone must use Japanese only. Translated from the Japanese package insert. Products Sort by Efficacy Sort by Efficacy Eyestrain Prevention of dry-eyes Redness of the conjuncti...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/clp.html -
OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
hat the inquiries by telephone must use Japanese only. Translated from the Japanese package insert. Products Sort by Efficacy Sort by Efficacy Eyestrain Prevention of dry-eyes Redness of the conjuncti...
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/clg.html -
フルオロメトロン点眼液0.05%「センジュ」 | 医療関係者向製品情報(医療用医薬品) | 医療関係者のみなさま | 千寿製薬株式会社
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