R&D Pipeline | Research & Development | SENJU Pharmaceutica
PROGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Disclosuring of information after Phase 1 DrugIndicationStatus (Region) Difluprednateinflammation associated with ocular surgery, UveitisApproved (Russia) Pranoprofeninflammati
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/rd/pipeline.html -
OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Inquiries are not accepted in a language other than Japanese in principle. Please kindly understand the situation that the inquiries by telephone must use Japanese only. Translated from the Japanese p
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/otc.html -
Mytear ALPITATTO NEXα | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
This medicine is recommended for people who have continuing allergy symptoms with inflammation. Category 2 OTC medicines Mytear® ALPITATTO NEXα Works on unbearable eye itching due to pollens and other
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/nex.html -
NewMytear CL Vitaclear Cool | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Category 3 OTC medicines New Mytear® CL Vitaclear Cool Relieves tired eyes after intense use Before using eye drops while wearing soft contact lenses, check the instructions on the box and package ins
http://www.senju.co.jp/english/products/mytearvc.html -
プライバシーポリシー | 千寿製薬株式会社
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