論文投稿実績 | 研究開発活動 | 千寿製薬株式会社
lamide for Glaucoma by nanocrystallization and tyloxapol addition Shuya Masuda 1,2, Shiho Yano 1, Tomohisa Tadokoro 1, Hiroko Otake 1, Noriaki Nagai 1 1 Faculty of Pharmacy, Kindai University 2 Pharma...
https://www.senju.co.jp/rd/thesis/ -
on NAVIS-AZU or NAVIS-CL* by installing Logic and Design’s image sharpening algorithm. We aim to promote “more visibility” by providing products and services equipped with image sharpening and high-re...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/content_news/2024-04/ENG_20240423.pdf -
00015%∼0.15%ブリモニジン酒石酸塩溶液を単 回点眼投与した結果、濃度依存的な眼圧下降作用が認めら れた18) 。 19. 有効成分に関する理化学的知見 一般名:ブリモニジン酒石酸塩 (Brimonidine Tartrate) 〔JAN〕 化学名:5-Bromo- - (4,5-dihydro-1 -imidazol-2-yl) quinoxalin-6-amine mono- (2 ,...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/product_other_file/2024-06/aiphagan_202406_C2.pdf -
) -1-Ethyl-6, 8-difluoro-1, 4-dihydro-7- (3-methylpiperazin-1-yl) -4-oxoquinoline-3- carboxylic acid monohydrochloride 構造式: 分子式:C17H19F2N3O3・HCl 分子量:387.81 性 状:塩酸ロメフロキサシンは白色∼微黄白色の結晶性の粉 末である。 水又はエチレングリコ...
https://www.senju.co.jp/sites/default/files/product_other_file/2022-09/LOMEFLON0.3_TE_C3_20221101.pdf -
NewMytear CL Cool Hi-s | OTC Products, etc. | Products | SENJU Pharmaceutical
Category 3 OTC medicines New Mytear® CL Cool Hi-s Moisturize with refreshing sensation while wearing contact lenses CHARACTERISTICS This medicine can be used while wearing all types of contact lenses ...